Παρασκευή 8 Νοεμβρίου 2013

ΠΡΟΣ ΕΙΣΑΓΓΕΛΕΙΣ κσι λοιπούς ελεγχομένους, ξανά


η έξωθεν μαρτυρία σας πάσχει, πάσχει φρικτά΄
γνωρίζετε να κάνετε τη δουλειά σας;
έχετε διάθεση να την κάνετε;
το νόμο τον γνωρίζετε;

είστε ΗΔΗ ΕΚΤΕΘΕΙΜΕΝΟΙ και ΓΕΛΟΙΟΠΟΙΗΜΕΝΟΙ (τα συγκεκριμένα φυσικά πρόσωπα --και να τα βρείτε μεταξύ σας--, τα καθ' ύλην και κατά τόπον και κατά βάρδιαν(;) αρμόδια, βάφουν με ελεεινά χρώματα όλην όμως την υπηρεσία: το δίκαιο είναι ΕΝΑ, και το περί δικαίου αίσθημα και αίτημα των πολιτών ΕΝΑ επίσης, του οποίου είστε ΒΙΑΣΤΕΣ)

είστε ΕΝΟΧΟΙ για συμμετοχή σε εγκλήματα (και ΟΧΙ, αυτή τη φορά ΔΕΝ εννοούμε κάν την γενοκτονία που συντελείται εδώ!) ---είστε ΥΠΟΛΟΓΟΙ για παραλείψεις και πράξεις, για ηθικές αυτουργίες ή/και συνέργειες, και για συγκεκριμένη αλλοπρόσαλλη λειτουργία του δικαίου΄

ως εκ τούτου είστε ΕΚΝΟΜΟΙ, είτε το συνειδητοποιείτε είτε όχι (στην πρώτη περίπτωση είστε ΑΙΣΧΡΟΙ ΚΑΙ ΔΟΛΙΟΙ, στη δεύτερη ΑΙΣΧΡΟΙ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΙΚΑΝΟΙ), διαλέγετε και παίρνετε, και μας το λέτε και μάς΄ οπωσδήποτε όμως ΕΛΕΓΧΕΣΤΕ και είστε ΕΧΘΡΟΙ των πολιτών που γνωρίζουν΄ 

τελώντας εν αμύνῃ σάς ξαναρωτάμε

πόσο ΑΘΛΙΟΙ είστε; 
πόσο ΠΛΗΜΜΕΛΗ ικανοποίηση του δικαίου θα ενεργείτε;
πόσο ΞΕΦΤΙΛΙΣΜΕΝΟΙ και ΚΑΤΑΠΤΥΣΤΟΙ θα γίνετε ακόμα, εξακολουθώντας να είστε και ΒΛΑΒΕΡΟΙ και ΕΠΙΚΙΝΔΥΝΟΙ;

1. εάν οι περιγραφές δέν σας αφορούν, ΠΡΑΞΤΕ ΕΠΙΤΕΛΟΥΣ ΚΑΤΑ ΝΟΜΟΝ (και αναμένουμε να το δούμε)

2. εάν εμπίπτετε και δικαιώνετε τα καταγγελλόμενα (και συνεχίσετε, δε), τότε α. είστε ΑΠΕΝΑΝΤΙ στους πολίτες, β. να χαίρεστε, μόνοι σας και χωρίς εμάς, τις πόλεις--μπουρδέλα που φτιάξατε (ή/και ανέχεστε, το ίδιο κάνει για μάς), και γ. στο ενδιάμεσο, να μήν εκπλαγείτε άν --το λιγότερο-- σας συναντούν στον δρόμο και σας λέν μέσα στα μούτρα σας ότι Γ@@ΙΕΣΤΕ.

Τρίτη 15 Οκτωβρίου 2013

fasCiSm in greece OR look who's talking ---puppets, fairy tales, and a murdering spree

there is no greek government.
the beings --it's a looong shot to call them 'human'-- that are governing, that have been governing for that fact, have nothing to do with the country, its people, its history, its culture, its language, its tradition, its human qualities, its life.
they are mere servants. poor excuses of servants, disgusting puppets, ridiculous criminals, yesmen of the global governance (read: global dictatorship), the international usury, the banksters' elite, a greedy sick bloodthirsty gang.

against all logic, all moral properties, all ethos, they've been obedient to the world's rulers and carrying out orders all along, performing a 21st c. genocide, one ridiculously disguised as a rescuing effort (sic) (sicK), accompanied by a vomit-provoking low-quality despicable imitation of orwellian newspeak; the politicians who were proven totally incapable of even a basic financial management of their own parties(!!!!!), who have been happily collaborating with banks (domestic & international vultures) robbing their own people and, in this current phase, murdering them and enslaving them and selling out the whole country (why would they care after all, is it their own?)

are now fighting fascism.

this is a long story. a story that fits the beings' profiles perfectly of course. 
here is the short version (attention: one does not have to "belong" in order to be able to see):

who's talking; the self proclaimed 'democrats' who are heroicly fighting fascism; 
the beings who have KILLED the constitution, who have MURDERED democracy, who have EXECUTED human rights, STRANGLED freedom, MASSACRED treaties, law, Justice itself, who JUST TWO YEARS AGO when the whole country was boiling in indignation did not think twice before BRUTALLY ATTACKING the protesting citizens, drowning them in gases, forbidding their demonstrations, smashing their heads, throwing all kinds of violence at them, ignoring their expressed will.

the beings who launch a lethal propaganda urbi et orbi to cover up their crimes, unsuccessfully of course, because, i mean, when you SWIM IN A SEA OF CRIMES, WHERE CAN YOU HIDE...
the beings who later IMPOSED A BANKSTER (THIS HAPPENED ELSEWHERE TOO...) as an appointed prime minister (how ironic), who saw, during last year's "elections", their percentages drop dramatically (parties of a 40+ % gathered ~20% and ~10% respectively [2012] --the current percentages are obviously much lower) and had to join forces (read: disgusting coalition) in order to "survive" and ensure the implementation of the nwo agenda (read: the completion of the greek genocide).

these beings may have greek citizenship.
this is technical.
it is deceiving.
they are traitors and murderers (you can find some of their pictures below).
they are liars.
they talk about fascism and point fingers, when the true fascists in the worst sense of the word are themselves.

look for independent sources of information.
there has been a genocide going on since 2010.
the whole world is changing fast and we, the 7+ billion of us, each one of us, can only be one of two things:
either a watcher.
or a Doer. ---

Δευτέρα 19 Αυγούστου 2013


(συνέχεια, με περισσότερα διευκρινιστικά)

(βλ. αμέσως προηγ.  ανάρτηση)


                                                 ΠΕΡΙ ΕΙΣΑΓΓΕΛΙΑΣ

πόσο ξεφτιλισμένος πρέπει να είσαι άραγε, όταν είσαι εισαγγελέας, και εμφανίζεσαι
α) είτε ΑΣΧΕΤΟΣ
β) είτε ΔΟΛΙΟΣ 

και κατά συνεκδοχήν, 
πόσο εκπεσούσα και ξεφτιλισμένη είσαι εσύ, εισαγγεΛΙΑ, όταν
α) τη μία στιγμή αποφαίνεσαι, π.χ. "Α"
β) και μιαν επόμενη στιγμή, για ΤΟ ΙΔΙΟ ΑΚΡΙΒΩΣ ΘΕΜΑ, αποφαίνεσαι "--Α" (ολογράφως: ΜΕΙΟΝ Α, τουτέστιν την ακριβώς ΑΝΤΙΘΕΤΗ άποψη περί τον νόμο και το δίκαιο, τον ΑΝΤΙΠΟΔΑ εκείνου που προηγουμένως απεφάνθης...)
γ) όταν ο τομέας σου ---> η κατά ΤΟΠΟΝ αρμοδιότητά σου, δηλαδή ο τομέας ΔΙΚΑΙΟΔΟΣΙΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΕΥΘΥΝΗΣ ΣΟΥ για την ισχύ του δικαίου και την εμπέδωση, εξασφάλιση και ικανοποίηση του περί δικαίου αισθήματος των πολιτών, έχει περιέλθει σε προϊούσα κατάσταση αισχιστοποίησης και ανομίας, πολλαπλής, επαναλαμβανόμενης και οφθαλμοφανέστατης...

εισαγγελία του ΑΙΣΧΟΥΣ και της ΑΝΟΜΙΑΣ.

εισαγγελία ή ΑΣΧΕΤΗ ή ΔΟΛΙΑ, πάντως ΕΝΟΧΗ ΚΑΙ ΕΠΙΚΙΝΔΥΝΗ, που εγγυάται την ΑΝΟΜΙΑ και το ΑΔΙΚΟ, και στο διάβα της, άνετα, ΧΑΝΤΑΚΩΝΕΙ ΖΩΕΣ ΚΑΙ ΚΑΤΑΣΤΡΕΦΕΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΟΥΣ.

                                          ΥΠΟ ΤΗΝ ΔΙΑΛΥΤΙΚΗ ΑΙΡΕΣΗ: 


ΕΙΣΑΙ  Ε Ν Ο Χ Η , ΕΣΥ η εν λόγῳ --ως συνολικός πυλώνας "δικαίου", ως υπηρεσία, ως εξουσία, και ως λειτουργία-- και φυσικά, ατομικά ο εισαγγελέας - ΥΠΑΛΛΗΛΟΣ σου, που με την φυσική του ύπαρξη εκφράζει και εφαρμόζει τα προαναφερόμενα (που, διευκρινιστικά, αφορούν περισσότερο το Β. της προηγηθείσας ανάρτησης).

η εικόνα σου είναι νοσηρή, βλαπτική και αποκρουστική, και την απορρίπτουμε -- όπως και όποιον άλλο υπηρέτη ή παρατρεχάμενο, ψηλότερα ή χαμηλότερα, του πλαισίου και μηχανισμού σου (που αυτή τη στιγμή όζει κακάσχημα), και τελούμε εν αμύνῃ.

υπό την διαλυτική αίρεση που τέθηκε, ισχύουν τα ανωτέρω.
είστε ανάξιοι και επαίσχυντοι.
προς ώρας, τη βδελυγμία μας, και εν δικαίῳ επιφυλασσόμαστε (με την διττή έννοια της επιφύλαξης και της επιφυλακής.)

Κυριακή 18 Αυγούστου 2013


---------------------------D E 
------------------------I U S T I T I A ---------------

αφού δέν λειτουργεί τίποτε υπέρ των Ελλήνων Πολιτών εν Ελλάδι, 
αφού το κράτος είναι απόλυτα και ορθάνοιχτα εχθρικό προς τον λαό,
αφού έκαστος είς είναι πλήρως απροστάτευτος, και μόνο σε συλλογικότητες μπορεί να 
βρεί υποστήριξη

                                            Α Π Ο Φ Α Ι Ν Ο Μ Α Σ Τ Ε 
                                                * * Ε Ν - Α Μ Υ Ν ῌ * * 
                                                            Ο Τ Ι :

Α. ο θεσμός της "δικαιοσύνης", η τρίτη αυτή εξουσία, έχει αφήσει εντελώς εκτεθειμένο τον Έλληνα Πολίτη, και --με ελάχιστες, προς το παρόν, εξαιρέσεις-- συμμετέχει στην δολοφονία του ελληνικού λαού από το 2010 και μετά΄ ΕΝΏ ΌΛΟΙ ΟΙ ΥΠΑΙΤΙΟΙ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΟΙ ΚΑΙ ΤΟΥΤΗ ΜΑΛΙΣΤΑ ΤΗΝ ΩΡΑ ΙΣΩΣ ΚΑΝΟΥΝ ΚΑΙ ΔΙΑΚΟΠΕΣ.
ΗΔΗ το ότι συζητάμε κάτι τέτοιο τον ΤΡΙΤΟ χρόνο της γενοκτονίας, μιλάει από μόνο του.

Β. επίσης, ΚΑΙ για τον ανωτέρω μείζονα λόγο, μα ΚΑΙ για άλλους, άλλης παράλληλης ελάσσονος κλίμακας, θεωρούμε ότι επιπλέον και ειδικότερα
η λειτουργία της δικαστικής αρχής (της εισαγγελικής πρωτίστως) σε ΠΡΩΤΕΥΟΥΣΑ και ΣΥΜΠΡΩΤΕΥΟΥΣΑ δείχνει ότι κοιμάται όρθια Ή ότι είναι ελεεινή και κατάπτυστη, πάντως υπηρετεί ΩΣ ΜΗ ΟΦΕΙΛΕ το ΚΑΤΑΦΩΡΑ ΑΔΙΚΟ (τί θλιβερή, τί τραγική αντίφαση!...), και είναι Ε Ν Ο Χ Η η ίδια για την επικράτηση του αδίκου, και κατά συνέπεια ΑΠΟΛΥΤΑ ΥΠΕΥΘΥΝΗ για τις κατεστραμμένες ζωές που θα προκύψουν.

Η εικόνα αυτή θα θεωρείται αληθής, ακριβής και δίκαιη, όσο από τον θεσμό δέν παρέχονται έργα που να αποδεικνύουν το αντίθετο (αίρεση ΔΙΑΛΥΤΙΚΗ).

"ποιός θα μας προστατέψει από τους φρουρούς του δικαίου"...

Τετάρτη 17 Ιουλίου 2013

a party, a celebration

(ES) "¿por qué hay tanta belleza en el mundo y yo no la puedo tocar?"

(EO) "kial estas tiom da beleco en la mondo kaj mi ne povas tusxi gxin?"

economic killers -- economic murderers (this blog does not know the exact term in english, this blog does not hang out with those kinds of people):

they have a new meeting, another party ( = celebration) coming up right NOW, the only way they know how at this day and age, at this point in time; when masks have been dropped, when those individuals hit the peak --so they think-- of arrogance, of provocation, of unashamed imperial parties and tours, of open-and-safe(?)-glorious-but-pestilent-official-but-filthyanddeadly meetings and ceremonies, whereas

around them all there is is a ThirdWorld which they proudly created, 
a ThirdWorld turning Fourth.

the odor of death keeps them alive, human misery is what they feed on.
do not let those official rituals and smiles and hugs fool you: 
this is a get-together of murderers.
of pawns and masters, of
employees and bosses.

this week in athens, greece.

Τετάρτη 12 Ιουνίου 2013

the greek junta* keeps showing [off] its true colours -- meanwhile, more "racism" in europe

1. so, while a 'racist' greece is in shock due to the one-off move of the 3-party-government (read: the disguised dictatorship that obeys foreign masters and the nwo agenda in order to murder, financially, nationally, and physically, the greek nation --and more nations follow), namely their 'decision' ( = in execution of troika's orders, yet again) to SHUT DOWN THE NATIONAL TELEVISION CHANNELS, LITERALLY DEACTIVATING TRANSMITTORS AND CUTTING OFF THE SIGNAL (tue, june 11)


2. it seems that more countries in europe are seriously concerned about the immigration issue: after a russia which expresses its thoughts via its president, after an italy which gives immigrants 500 euros per cap. and sends them off to the north, after a germany which shows up annoyed (!!) by the sudden appearance of those immigrants in its own territory, here comes a switzerland which decides, via a referendum result of a huge 80%, in favour of tougher asylum legislation for immigrants;

interesting development, indeed; what remains to be seen is whether those countries will also be labelled as racist, if there is going to be fingerpointing and namecalling, as in the case of greece (view related posts below); it's a time when anyone expressing concerns about a serious existing matter has to face accusations made by a specific propaganda that wishes to impose and carry out its own agenda against other peoples; let's see then.

* junta is used as a synonym of dictatorship

Κυριακή 9 Ιουνίου 2013


what happens when you see the economic emperors of the world admit*, three years later, that they made mistakes in their plans of 'rescuing' a bad country ;
when you have local politicians/traitors, who have been 'elected' (though they are free to appoint NON elected individuals to be their right hand --literally-- namely ministers of finance), in order to execute the orders and their own nation (who are, furthermore, more than eager to do so)
when you have a global propaganda which speaks to the sleeping masses --those that may still be asleep on a global level, that is-- saying anything (example: black = white) in order to maintain the status quo

the status quo is, indeed, being maintained, the agenda of the nwo is being carried out, mistakes or not, "mistakes" or not, and nations may be brutally murdered in the process, while being considered guinea pigs or scarecrows along the way, but hey!, that is just collateral damage.

the nwo agenda has to be implemented, no matter what.

in fact we do.

* recent public official statements

Σάββατο 8 Ιουνίου 2013

racism and immigrants etc. (supplement)

a leader of another country, a country in part european in part asian, has expressed his views on the same subject (the first part, the one about multiculturalism and immigration, is related to this topic) ---

HERE are his thoughts.

Παρασκευή 31 Μαΐου 2013

propaganda, racism (and other fairy tales) --part 2

but NO: there is racism in greece, they say urbi et orbi, which has to be fought against; the propaganda of this sort, if it is not stupid, has an agenda of its own; because it cannot be explained why the average local citizen is being accused, when he has always welcomed foreigners, the way we described at the beginning above, and when, in fact, the only problem he has is the reality of an increased rate of rude, disrespectful, provocative, and directly criminal behaviour (rapes, murders et al.), riots, everyday microscale incidents that add up, the brutal transformation of peaceful neighborhoods to open air brothels (sic) or to off-limits zones even to police forces (especially to police forces!), etc.-- in addition to all that, it was known, up to this moment (and if nothing has changed), that immigrants are allowed to use hospitals and medicinal care for free, public transport for free, enter schools and universities with bonuses etc.

so the greek citizen who stands by and watches, day in, day out, the beautiful nightmare that others built for him, is a racist... a xenophobic... a fascist (sic!!!)... and has to sit back and watch an imposed violent transformation of his country into a nwo-ish status of multiculturalism where no rules apply, no legal prerequisite, where he has no say and if he does, at some point, object the phenomenon, he has to shut up,  sit back and listen to local and international centres calling  him those things and make the false accusations, at a timing when GREECE IS BEING BRUTALLY RAPED BY THE GLOBAL FINANCIAL SYSTEM AND EAGERLY SOLD (TERRITORY, RESOURCES, SOVEREIGNTY AND INDEPENDENCE) BY ITS OWN POLITICIANS/TRAITORS... wow...

so yes, on second thought, there actually IS racism in greece: it's against the greek population.

but this is very important: when you have local authorities (from the government down to municipalities and who knows what else) which take orders form elsewhere and care O about their people, their country, the law *, when you have officials who will underline a thousand times over an incident that might occur at the expense of an immigrant, but do the exact opposite the multiple times when a brutal crime is committed against a local, when you have a mayor who forbids christian season's greetings from radio broadcast so that other religions are not insulted (!!!!!!!!!), when you have a corrupt political system that gives citizenship by the thousands before elections, which later gets annulled, as illegal, by the supreme court, when a leftist propaganda is omnipotent, inside and outside the country, and refuses to see the obvious, denies the obvious, and on top of that mocks anything that is even remotely close to national identity, history, hymns and flags, automatically calling names if you just happen to care about your own country (which is light years away from the hysteric namecalling in fashion), then it all just becomes easy...

the story is long. obviously.

* the objective observer will stay away from labels, will take close looks at each country's situation and, by all means, at the 'immigrant issue' all over europe, which seems to have religious tones at its epicentre, will take into account studies that analyze precisely that, namely the incorporation of religions in the european continent --and interestingly enough, just these last days the incidents in england and sweden have been shedding new lights, 

but what's also very interesting is the recent development and the tension in the italogermanic relations, due to italy's decision to 'send' some illegal immigrants over to germany: whereas greece is being unjustly (on purpose?) painted with the black colours of racism, italy --another country of the south, another PIIG !!--  tries to get rid of its own immigrants (a few hundred in this case, mind you, and not the millions that have been invading greece) and meets an uncomfortable, annoyed, insulted germany (no less)... 

no further comment.

Πέμπτη 30 Μαΐου 2013

the power of propaganda OR 'greeks are racist' and other --ridiculous- fairy tales

in recent decades the country, though small, has always received and welcomed immigrants; it is even this very blog's personal experience that there have ALWAYS been foreigners among us, living in the same neighborhood, in the same building, working by our side, creating their families, hanging out with the locals, watching their children go to school with all other children, watching them play, make friends; hell, people --such as this very blog-- who enjoy using their language skills, ranging from intermediate to advanced to polyglottery (with zero interest, mind you, in youtube-self-promotion...), had all the more reason to create such personal contacts, because they could use their language(s). 
and learn. mutually. and live. peacefully.

a political (no kidding!) change occurred, back in the early 90's, encouraged by the very protagonists of the current political scene of today: the ratio of immigrants, of specific origins, increased; though the details of everyday life changed, the big picture, as far as the people are concerned, remained the same: friendly and tolerant; and welcoming.

greece's policy for immigrants is flawed; it is either dormant or non existing; another precious piece of treason, another gift from the politicians to their own country; and, in the few recent years, another change occurred; it is still in progress now: due to dubious international ( = european) agreements, such as Dublin II, and also due to international factors (read: geopolitical games, which any kind reader may, in good faith, search for and find out), the greek people have had to stand by and watch, without being asked, silent witnesses of what is being 

a violent flow of immigrants, mostly illegal (YES, there IS such a thing), not all of whom are 'desperate poor people fleeing from their countries due to warfare' (some of them certainly are), not all of whom even have the best intentions, as the incidents can prove; regardless, the fact remains: once they enter(???!!!), they are trapped here; even if they had a different european destination in mind; a violent change of the population, of the country's traits, of life itself; no questions asked, no permission needed, no infrastructure prepared, no conditions -sanitary, economic, other-- [pre]considered; the country's capital is being bombarded, the face of whole neighborhoods is being altered; an unnatural, thus unpleasant situation has been made 'normal'; but it is negative and unpleasant by definition, both for immigrants and locals: it is estimated that, for a rough 10 million of an [aging] greek population there is a [growing, uncontrollable] 2.5 million immigrants, the vast majority illegal.

but hey, we've got something to talk about now! there is a new talk of the town (of our miserable global village, actually): the fresh new label which comes so easy to some international centres and, equally(!), to leftist local propaganda and, by all means, the local politicians/traitors (who take orders from abroad and serve inter-national, super-national, not national, objectives) is that 'greeks are racist'; seriously? --and they use as a 'top' argument the existence of a right wing party; as though there were a single country in europe that does not have their very own... no-one of those who are eager to prove their ridiculous 'point' stops for one second to investigate, or simply wonder, WHY and HOW those thousands and thousands of asians and africans set off to travel thousands of dangerous and EXPENSIVE kilometers, WHY the ones who are muslims --the vast majority, it seems-- even pick greece, an orthodox christian country, as their destination, HOW they all somehow make it to the very capital of the country (which is far from any border or point of entrance), WHY and HOW it even makes ANY SENSE at all to expect (read: demand!) from a small country to have space and resources for all those people, hence HOW the immigrants are supposed to support themselves remaining within the law, etc... do 'humanists' (?) care?--but perhaps they don't care; perhaps they only care to use a stale, hollow humanistic argument against the 'non tolerant, xenophobic' locals, when they should be promoting the truth: legal status aside, the country cannot receive any more, it is already heavily overpopulated, and those who have no business being there--e.g. for reasons of political asylum-- should just GO; for humanistic reasons alone...

(to be continued)

Τρίτη 21 Μαΐου 2013

2011 2013

(EO) en kelkaj tagoj estos la datreveno de la komenco de la grandegaj manifestacioj de 2011 (La Indignuloj). kaj neniu estas dormanta. tute ne.

(ES) en unos días es el segundo aniversario del comienzo de las enormes manifestaciones del 2011 (Les Indignés, Los Indignados). y nadie está durmiendo. todo lo contrario.

(EN) in a few days it will be two years since the beginning of the huge manifestations of 2011 (Les 'Indignés', Los Indignados). and no-one is asleep. on the contrary.

Τρίτη 14 Μαΐου 2013

πασιένσια // πέιΣενς.

                                               la cuna de la democracia.
y una de las cunas de la deudocracia, en europa.
                                         necesariamente, la cuna de la Némesis de nuestra era, también.
                  esto no es una frase sentimental. sino una realidad histórica.

the cradle of democracy.
                                                     and one of the cradles of debtocracy, in europe.
                         necessarily, the cradle of the Nemesis of our era, too.
                                       and this is not a sentimental phrase. it is a historic reality.

Κυριακή 14 Απριλίου 2013

back to business: how to murder a NATION

for now just a joyous get-together-picture of the murderers of greece. the three leaders of the coalition government, representing but a +/- 29% of the voters (of june 2012) (let alone the CURRENT real figures, some 10 genuine neoliberal months after the election), who enjoy their loyalty to the international usury, their continuous lying - cheating - bullying towards their own people, and of course the respectful carrying out of the lethal agenda their bosses have ordered for this country.

their names, which the History of the coming years will certainly take good care of:

Samarás (right wing). Kouvélis (left wing.) Venizélos (socialist).
all of them neoliberal to the bone. all of them traitors. all of them murderers of a nation.



and of course, the minister of finance, an appointed, a NON-ELECTED member of the government, the person who does not hesitate to defy court orders when they are against him/his government/the neoliberal agenda/the big bosses/the international usury.

Stournáras. a traitor, like the others. a murderer of his nation.


the riot police protects these gentlemen, beats up and cruelly attacks the people, no matter how peaceful or rightful a demonstration is. the neoliberal agenda has to be implemented no matter what. the greek nation must be assassinated.
or so they think anyway.

Δευτέρα 1 Απριλίου 2013

linguistic interlude // lingva interludo

(EN) gurmukhi ਗੁਰਮੁਖੀ and shahmukhi شاہ مکھی are the two scripts used for writing punjabi; in india and pakistan respectively; 
i recently found out that 
-- gurmukhi means from the teacher's mouth, and 
-- shahmukhi means from the king's mouth.

gurmukhi kaj shahmukhi estas du abocoj por skribi la pangxaban lingvon, en barato kaj pakistano lauxorde; lasttempe mi malkovris ke
-- gurmukhi signifas 'el la busxo de la instruisto', kaj
-- shahmukhi signifas 'el la busxo de la regxo'

(EN) however, the alphabet that has been fascinating me lately is devanagari, the meaning of which i could not find for certain (deva = god; ... devanagari is used for writing hindi, sanskrit -and more languages in india- and nepali)

(EO) tamen, la aboco kiu cxitempe logas min estas devanagari, kies signifon mi ne certe trovis (deva = dio; ... devanagari estas uzata por skribi hindi, la sanskritan -kaj pli da lingvoj en barato- kaj la nepalan)

devanagari --> देवनागरी
more information // pli da informoj http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devanagari

examples // ekzemploj
फिर मिलेंगे = see you later // gxis la revido

मैं बहुत अच्छी हूँ = i am doing fine (fem.speaker) // mi fartas bonege (por virinoj)

धन्यवाद // शुक्रिया = thank you // dankon

Δευτέρα 25 Μαρτίου 2013

europe, XXI // europa, XXI // εὐρώπη 21ος



(EN) right at the very top we ask, 'where is the [old] world heading'. 

it seems we have entered the era of IN-humanity, where the most unimaginable, apocalyptic, fierce, anti-21st c. scenarios are taking place; what used to be called politics is a collection of exhibitions of power, of blackmailing and threatening, in a setting where the average human, the silent watcher or the active defender of morality, values, and human achievement, loses the concept of logic: what is democracy, law, human right, freedom (individual and social), what is humanity, what is peace, what is equality and harmonious coexistence...

no. fierce is all it is. wild is the word. monstrous is the new concept.
until. well... . ...until.

(ES) lo que preguntamos ahí arriba, sobre el rumbo de este mundo, es una pregunta ya permanente. lo que está sucediendo simplemente refleja una era nueva para la humanidad, por mucho que nos cueste reconocerlo o aceptarlo, ya que todo lo que representa valores, derechos (individuales y sociales), la posibilidad de coexistir en el planeta como iguales, el concepto mismo de democracia, libertad y paz, está en peligro. directa y abiertamente. lo que solía llamarse política es una constante exhibición de poder salvaje, de chantaje y amenazas. 

y no. no es éste el s.XXI que nos imaginábamos. una sociedad de monstruos es la realidad nueva.
hasta que. bueno... . ...hasta que.

(EL) γιὰ τοὺς ἑλληνόγλωσσους, ἑλλαδίτες - κυπρίους - ἢ τῆς διασπορᾶς, εἶναι περιττὲς οἱ ἐξηγήσεις. ἡ νεοταξίτικη ἀτζέντα ἐξακολουθεῖ, πιό ἄγρια καὶ πιό ἐπιθετικὴ ἀπὸ ποτέ, νὰ δείχνει τὰ -χαλασμένα, μὰ μακάβρια-- δόντια της, καὶ ἀδίστακτα ἐπιχειρεῖ, ἀκόμα καὶ ἐν μιᾶ νυκτί, νὰ ἐπιβάλει τὴν αἱμοσταγῆ ἐξουσία της. 

ὥσπου νά. ...ἔ. ...ὥσπου νά.

IMPORTANT NOTE: as shown in the second picture above, the northern part of the island of cyprus (which is obviously the current epicentre of the discussed topic), a 37% of the total territory, was invaded by turkish troops in july 1974, and, against international law, is still being occupied today, and Nicosia, the capital (greek: Λευκωσία [lefkosía] ) is the only divided capital in europe.

Παρασκευή 1 Μαρτίου 2013

la noche.
la comunicación agradable, la comunicación problemática.
la comunicación ausente.
las almas que escriben con alma y arrojan sus botellas electrónicas en el océano, un océano www.

un océano antrópico.

ὠκεανὸς ἀνθρώπινος. ἀνθρώπειος.

'uno nunca quiso ser héroe, nunca tuvo interés en ser mártir', escribimos. y ellos entendieron.

la felicidad de antaño, cuando estaba claro (?) que íbamos a vivir --¡qué suerte!-- en un lugar y una época sin guerra, que nuestra generación no iba a sufrir como la de nuestros padres, de nuestros abuelos, de nuestros... ...; pero nos tocó otra cosa. nos tocó esto. a nosotros, a nuestros hermanos del mediterráneo, y a muchos más. 


vivir. de acuerdo. un eufemismo. εὐφημισμός, ὅπως τόσοι ἄλλοι.

and what comes to mind, lo que se te ocurre por enésima vez, that sweet song by VNV. and you sing along. and you feel along,

arrojando tu propia botella. de noche.

'grant me wings that i might fly/
my restless soul is longing/
no pain remains no feeling/
eternity awaits.'//

Δευτέρα 25 Φεβρουαρίου 2013

Φωτογραφία: Αστυνομικοί κατεβάζουν τις ασπίδες τους σε ένδειξη αλληλεγγύης στους διαδηλωτές....
Πού είναι, πού είναι.....
Α , ναι ! Στη Boυλγαρία ... 

*** ΕΠΑΜ www.facebook.com/metopo ***

la policía en bulgaria este fin de semana. ¿un rato de solidaridad con los manifestantes? ¿y luego? ¿y siempre?...

police in bulgaria this past weekend. a few moments of solidarity towards protesters? and then what? and what about always?...

ἡ βουλγαρικὴ ἀστυνομία αὐτὸ τὸ σαββατοκύριακο. μιὰ σύντομη ἔνδειξη συμπαράστασης στοὺς διαδηλωτές; καὶ ὕστερα; καὶ πάντα;...

Τετάρτη 6 Φεβρουαρίου 2013

murdering a nation // mortigante nacion

athens, greece // ateno, grekujo
06.02.2013 (!!!)

distribution of free vegetables by farmers on strike. needy citizens in line for hours for a plastic bag of a few tomatoes or cabbage etc. ...

the politicians who obey foreign centres of power and carry full liability for a whole nation being murdered, you can see here .

the minister who supposedly is doing good for the country´s economy, but in reality participates in the crime and does not even hesitate to DISobey court rulings in order to serve the same masters as the three beings above is this one

and last but not least, the being who eagerly agreed to this criminal adventure and surrendered this country to his masters without asking anyone, by cheating and lying to step to power, by turning the constitution -- all institutions -- the concept of democracy and justice itself, now a re-elected MP (?) but absent abroad most of the time (?!), is here

and the killing spree is going on...

Τρίτη 29 Ιανουαρίου 2013


volante skribi ( = blogi) pri cxiuj interesaj temoj de la vivo --personmaniere vidate, certe-- cxefe pri lingvoj, sed ankaux pri muziko, pri landoj kaj kulturoj, pri...

también sobre perSonaS muy interesantes, contactos en medios sociales y encuentros civilizados y amables ( = agrablaj retaj renkontigxoj) con gente de un montón de países que

share some of the same interests, follow a calm spiritual path and --most of all-- have the whole humanity in mind, contribute generously without making any noise

ce qui fait que chacune de ces rencontres, qu'elle soit courte ou moins courte, n'importe, puisse justifier pour quelques instants ce médium, rempli de choses (et gens?...) pas utiles, superficielles ou même directement dangereuses,

tako da se imaš dobro, res dobro, ker si našel vse te zanimive stvari, imel si morda lep pogovor, ali si samo videl, še enkrat, da zgodbe in informacije na internetu so lahko tudi fenomenalne - talentirane - odlične, ampak

nachher befindest du dich noch einmal allein, mit der bekannten Frage, mit dem Zweifel, mit dem unangenehmen Gefühl, dass du eben kein 'Recht' hast, darüber weiterzuschreiben, zu informieren, zu 'bloggieren', denn

πολὺ ἁπλά, ἡ γνωστὴ καὶ ἀμετάβλητη καὶ ἐν πολλοῖς ἀδυσώπητη ἐγχώρια πραγματικότητα καλεῖ ξανὰ καὶ ξανά, ἀφαιρεῖ τὴν ὅποια ἱκμάδα, τὸ ὅποιο κέφι, προσγειώνει καὶ ἀπαιτεῖ ΄ τὰ δικά της, τὰ ἐναντία τῶν δικῶν σου. κι ἐκεῖ τελειώνει.

Τετάρτη 9 Ιανουαρίου 2013

THE beast AND I

last spring we were feeling wonderful :))
we thought --no: we were Convinced  that something BIG was happening, at last. 
the Arab Spring had already set a precedent, then our Spaniard Brothers  (#15M) had continued carrying the torch, and just days later, #25M, it was our turn.

the evenings and nights on the square, the yelling, the debates, the acts of protest, the happenings, the music, the screenings, the live connection with other european cities, the BrotherHood, the MAGIC... it was the power of a feeling, of a Knowledge that Here and Now the wonder is taking place, the new earth is ours, the future is now.

i was mistaken. we were mistaken.

the System --in reality: the system-- had yet to show its teeth; the plague not only was not cured or even reduced, it actually started spreading [cuz that's what plagues do] gaining new power, multiplying its tentacles and its heads: the heads of the Beast. sure, some victories did happen on our side, some [minor?] samples of an impact on the criminal establishment(s) appeared, occasionally; but we hadn't calculated the hypnotic mesmerising effect of its perverted nature on all its servants. we had not.

which only meant that the battles grew stronger, more intense and more fierce, and less far between. until they turned into this Giant --in reality: giant-- battle that now involves many more people(s), many more lives, many many more hopes and visions and legitimate dreams that need to be restored. a HUGE cry for Justice, until now dormant - absent - hostile, is producing a deafening sound and becoming the heroic soundtrack of this phase of the glorious(?) 21st century. 

it's the beast against US. against You. against Me

it's a dying beast. it has to be handled with care: relentlessly, stubbornly, courageously but fairly and carefully. the time for words has ended. we --you and i, and more and more people(s) every minute-- know who our opponent is. and most of all, we know exactly what has to be done. 

the Future Is Now.