mi kutime konsideras blogon, aux ajnan personan pagxon, kiel trankvilan protektitan lokon, kie oni povas montri/paroli pri plibonigi tiun malfelicxan mirindan planedon; ARTO; aux SCIO; sed tiu ne estas ankaux loko por diskuti pri gravaj naciaj aux internaciaj aferoj, kiuj rilatas pri homoj sur la planedo gxenerale? GRAVAJ, kvankam MALAGRABLAJ, aferoj; kion oni devas fari; kiel kombini tiuj du aferoj, konsentante ke ili havas la saman valoron por la leganto de la 21a jarcento... tiu estas la dilemo...
(muziko de cxi tiu nokto: mi proponas Toccatina de Alessandro Poglietti)
i tend to think of a blog, or any personal page, as a calm protected place, where one can show/talk about making this unlucky wonderful planet better; ART; or KNOWLEDGE; but isn't it also a place to discuss important national or international stuff, things that have to do with humans on this planet altogether? IMPORTANT, although UNPLEASANT, stuff; what to do; how to combine these two things, given that they are of equal importance and value to a 21st century reader... this is the dilemma...
(tonight's music: i suggest Alessandro Poglietti's Toccatina)
(muziko de cxi tiu nokto: mi proponas Toccatina de Alessandro Poglietti)
i tend to think of a blog, or any personal page, as a calm protected place, where one can show/talk about making this unlucky wonderful planet better; ART; or KNOWLEDGE; but isn't it also a place to discuss important national or international stuff, things that have to do with humans on this planet altogether? IMPORTANT, although UNPLEASANT, stuff; what to do; how to combine these two things, given that they are of equal importance and value to a 21st century reader... this is the dilemma...
(tonight's music: i suggest Alessandro Poglietti's Toccatina)
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