Τρίτη 7 Φεβρουαρίου 2012

day/tago 257

(EO) la bankistoj/politikistoj sekvas ilian politikon en la greka (euxropa!) lando: mortigi la popolon; ili neniam zorgis, cxefe ekde la somero, pri tio, ke CXIO KION ili faras estas kontraux la konstitucia kaj internacia juro, kaj kontraux la volo kaj la VIVO de la homoj; la loka registaro, kiun la popolo NE elektis, kune kun lokaj kaj internaciaj bankoj, kaj aliaj euxropaj registaroj -la cxefoj de cxi tiu politiko- sekvas kaj sekvas kaj sekvas la mortigan politikon... malgraux la monato, tiu estas varma, tre varma loko cximomente... ni eble vidos interesajxojn baldaux...

(EN) OK, so yes, everything is still going on as pre-planned, by the local NON elected 'government', a group of muppets actually that has a former representative of the global banking system as 'prime minister' and is formed, since last november, by the socialists(?), the right wing (which for two years had been pretending to "disagree, reject all measures and be against that criminal policy"...) and the extreme right (which was dying to come to power, since there would obviously be no normal way for that to happen), all of whom EAGERLY, VERY EAGERLY take orders by their leaders/superiors, namely the international banking system and other governments pursuing their own agendas, act AGAINST NATIONAL (CONSTITUTIONAL) AND INTERNATIONAL LAW, basically doing one thing and one thing alone:


the winter is hot, very hot in this country, where high treason and annihilation of all legitimacy  have long turned into an everyday procedure; however, no-one is asleep; and this seems to be the time for everyone to keep their eyes open and be prepared to protect their own home countries; globalization = global problems; no matter who could have expected the 21st c. to look like this, now everything is likely.

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