for now just a joyous get-together-picture of the murderers of greece. the three leaders of the coalition government, representing but a +/- 29% of the voters (of june 2012) (let alone the CURRENT real figures, some 10 genuine neoliberal months after the election), who enjoy their loyalty to the international usury, their continuous lying - cheating - bullying towards their own people, and of course the respectful carrying out of the lethal agenda their bosses have ordered for this country.
their names, which the History of the coming years will certainly take good care of:
Samarás (right wing). Kouvélis (left wing.) Venizélos (socialist).
all of them neoliberal to the bone. all of them traitors. all of them murderers of a nation.
and of course, the minister of finance, an appointed, a NON-ELECTED member of the government, the person who does not hesitate to defy court orders when they are against him/his government/the neoliberal agenda/the big bosses/the international usury.
Stournáras. a traitor, like the others. a murderer of his nation.
the riot police protects these gentlemen, beats up and cruelly attacks the people, no matter how peaceful or rightful a demonstration is. the neoliberal agenda has to be implemented no matter what. the greek nation must be assassinated.
or so they think anyway.
(EN) gurmukhi ਗੁਰਮੁਖੀ and shahmukhi شاہ مکھی are the two scripts used for writing punjabi; in india and pakistan respectively;
i recently found out that
-- gurmukhi means from the teacher's mouth, and
-- shahmukhi means from the king's mouth.
(EO) gurmukhi kaj shahmukhi estas du abocoj por skribi la pangxaban lingvon, en barato kaj pakistano lauxorde; lasttempe mi malkovris ke
-- gurmukhi signifas 'el la busxo de la instruisto', kaj
-- shahmukhi signifas 'el la busxo de la regxo'
(EN) however, the alphabet that has been fascinating me lately is devanagari, the meaning of which i could not find for certain (deva = god; ... devanagari is used for writing hindi, sanskrit -and more languages in india- and nepali)
(EO) tamen, la aboco kiu cxitempe logas min estas devanagari, kies signifon mi ne certe trovis (deva = dio; ... devanagari estas uzata por skribi hindi, la sanskritan -kaj pli da lingvoj en barato- kaj la nepalan)
devanagari --> देवनागरी
more information // pli da informoj
examples // ekzemploj
फिर मिलेंगे = see you later // gxis la revido
मैं बहुत अच्छी हूँ = i am doing fine (fem.speaker) // mi fartas bonege (por virinoj)
धन्यवाद // शुक्रिया = thank you // dankon